
Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

The French Academy dictionary is not the only one whose redaction lasts forever. This month's dictionary inventories all of the known Greek and Roman philosophers as well as important witnesses of the philosophical tradition, and its first volume was published in 1989. Amongst others, you can find the first woman philosopher Théano. The preliminary work started in 1981 and the last volume, from Ulpian to Zoticus, was published in February 2018: of course, it also contains the oversights from the previous volumes. The 2491 notices use all of the available sources, including papyrus and writings. 236 writers from 20 countries were needed to fulfill this work in almost 40 years, meaning in about the same interval as between two editions of the French Academy dictionary. This unique work – there is no equivalent in any other language – is Richard Goulet's, who did the rereading and the layout by himself. Fun fact : the fifth volume is shared into two. — by Romainbehar