
Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

French Wiktionary offers an explanation about what the examples are and a help page to add examples. Because yes, is it necessary to remind it in the Actualités, the Wiktionary is a collaborative project in which all the content can be modified by anyone, including the examples. The choice of the examples is not easy because they have to be useful to the readers without giving an ideological vision, they have to be understandable even if extracted from their context and still be quite short, they have to stand for the diversity of uses without promoting one use over another. All these difficulties give birth to discussions in the project and beyond, in the community of lexicographers. If you have fifteen minutes free, and can read French, we would suggest the reading of the article [$article L’exemple illustratif comme ingrédient microstructurel essentiel d’un dictionnaire monolingue] (the illustration example as an essential microstructural element of a monolingual dictionary) by Mostafa BEN ABBAS.