
Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Definition « rely on the people » « face the elites » « nationalism » Other idea
Discours politique favorable aux classes défavorisées, et souvent hostile aux élites.
Political discourse favorable to the underprivileged classes, and often hostile to the elites.
fait fait
politisk rörelse som vädjar till folkets instinkter snarare än till eftertänksamhet och välgrundat förnuft
political movement appealing to the instincts of the people rather than to thoughtfulness and well-founded reason
fait is not based on a thoughtful ideology
estilo de fazer política, que consiste no uso de promessas demagogas, insuflações regionalistas, e atribuição de rótulos aos adversários eleitorais, com vistas a criar um clima de messianismo e segregacionismo político, de modo a beneficiar o seu praticante
style of making politics, which consists of the use of demagogic promises, regional blowups, and labeling of electoral opponents, in order to create a climate of messianism and political segregationism, in order to benefit its practitioner
demagogy, divide and rule
A political doctrine or philosophy that proposes that the rights and powers of ordinary people are exploited by a privileged elite, and supports their struggle to overcome this.
fait fait
Politik, abwertend: volksnahe oft demagogische Politik mit dem Ziel vor allem den Massen zu gefallen
Politics, derogatory: popular demagogic politics with the goal of pleasing mainly the masses
fait demagogy
atteggiamento o movimento politico, sociale, culturale che ritiene il popolo unico depositario di valori positivi
political, social, cultural attitude or movement that considers the unique people to be the repository of positive values
popieranie idei politycznych i ekonomicznych, które są w danym momencie najbardziej popularne w celu łatwego zdobycia poparcia bez zwracania uwagi na rzeczywistą możliwość zrealizowania obietnic, zwłaszcza pod kątem finansowym
supporting political and economic ideas that are currently the most popular in order to gain easy support without paying attention to the real possibility of making promises, especially in financial terms
poliittinen toiminta, jonka tarkoituksena on edustaa tavallisen kansalaisen tarpeita ja toiveita
political activity designed to represent the needs and wishes of ordinary citizens