
Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

"Knowledge of the golden age of lexicography in the late nineteenth century was fully absorbed but more, on several aspects (from the way examples were treated to the writing of the historical notice and bibliography) and in the best parts, these three dictionaries (Dictionnaire de Suisse Romand [Dictionary of Romandian Swiss] - Thibault, 1997 ; Dictionnaire Historique du Français Québécois [Historical Dictionary of Quebecois French] - Poirier ; Dictionnaire des régionalismes de France [Dictionary of regionalisms in France]) seem to have surpassed their models, and themselves become examples to follow."[1] One must never think they have reached the limit of what can be done. I had imagined the current format of French Wiktionary allowed one to add any data it was possible to collect about a word and SURPRISE! I discover the Dictionnaire des régionalismes de France [Dictionary of regionalisms in France].