Wiktionnaire:Index de mots manquants en anglais
Cette page contient une liste de mots anglais manquants sur le Wiktionnaire. La liste ne contient pas de pluriels ni de formes conjuguées. Elle est bien sûr incomplète, et vous pouvez ajouter vos propres mots dans la bonne sous-section. N’hésitez pas à enlever un mot lorsqu’il a une section anglaise. Notez que les mots en rouge sont ceux non présents dans le Wiktionnaire, alors que les mots en bleu le sont déjà, mais sans section de langue en anglais[Note 1] (sauf si elle a été rajoutée depuis). N’hésitez pas à participer aux discussions.
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- abay
- abduce
- abuse of power
- absorptive
- accumulative
- adjudicator
- adjuster
- admiringly
- Aegean Sea
- Aeschylean
- affiance
- affirmatively
- Africans
- aftereffect
- airily
- airstrip
- alarmingly
- Aldabra giant tortoise
- alienation effect
- alimentary canal
- alligator snapping turtle
- amatory
- amateur dramatics
- American Turtle
- amyotrophic
- amyotrophy
- anankastic
- anchorite
- androcentricity
- angelshark
- anticline
- anti-patriotic, antipatriotic
- anti-patriotism
- antiputrid
- anti-segregation, antisegregation
- appear on stage
- appointee
- arboriculturalist
- armlet
- arrant
- artificial diamond
- artisan-created diamond
- artistry
- assiduously
- astir
- athanor
- Atlantic ridley sea turtle
- autobiographical memory
- autoscopy
- autotelism
- awn
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- backslide
- balloonfish
- bap
- Barbour’s map turtle
- bardic
- barefaced
- batterer
- baulk
- be a ham
- beautyberry
- Beckettian
- bedaub
- bedpan
- behoove
- beneficence
- benumb, benumbed
- be picky
- betatron
- bicorn
- bijel
- birdcage
- birthright
- black comedy
- black turtle bean
- Black Turtle Cove
- Blanding’s turtle
- blarney
- bluebottle
- body pillow
- bonehead
- boulevard theater
- boulevard theatre
- brassy
- breach of trust
- Brechtian
- brick red, brick-red
- bring the house down
- bunch pink
- burn nettle
- burnoose
- burnous
- byword
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- cabby
- campaigner
- candle-maker
- candour
- candy pink
- cheddar pink
- coffee measuring spoon
- coral pink
- cushion pink
- carbine
- caterwaul
- Central Africa
- Cesairian
- chairwoman
- chairwoman
- charwoman
- chalcography
- cheloniid
- cheloniomancy
- chelonitoxication
- chelonitoxism
- chemical subjugation
- child psychiatry
- choreology
- chortle
- chromatic field
- circulatory
- class discrimination
- clime
- cognizance
- coincidental
- coition
- colorburst
- comedy drama
- comedy of menace
- comedy sketch
- commingle
- common nettle
- community theater
- company town
- compensatory
- complainant
- concert accordion
- conjunctiva
- conjunctive
- considerately
- consumer society
- contrabass
- contrariwise
- controvert
- copper plate engraving
- coquetry
- Cornelian
- Cornelian dilemma
- correlative
- costume designer
- counter-attack
- counterfoil
- counterintelligence
- counterintuition
- cozen
- crypsis
- cryptic coloration
- cryptodire
- cultured diamond
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- daydreamer
- daylily, day lily
- deceiver
- deer-goat
- demerit
- democratization
- dendronymy
- deputize
- dermochelyid
- desert tortoise
- desiccant
- despond
- dessert spoon, dessertspoon
- destructiveness
- deterministic
- diamondfish
- dictionaryese
- Dionysiac
- Dionysian
- Dionysian mysteries
- discomfit
- discrepant
- discriminatory
- disembody
- disfavour
- disinfection
- disorganization
- disproof
- disrepute
- disrespectfully
- disruptive camouflage
- disruptive coloration
- disruptive patterning
- dissatisfy
- disservice
- dissociation
- dissociative
- distanciation effect
- ditch-lily
- dodder
- dodecathlon
- doctrinarism
- dogmatism
- domination
- doughty
- dowdy
- drapery
- dress up
- dress-up
- dugout
- durophagous
- dustpan
- dutiful
- dysphagia
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- earthy
- ecovillage
- effectuate
- effete
- egg-bearing
- egg-laying
- electric field
- electro-dynamic braking
- elucidation
- emaciation
- emblazon
- emotional abuse (« violence émotionnelle »)
- emotional baggage (« bagage émotionnel »)
- emotional blackmail (« chantage affectif »)
- emotional disorder (« trouble émotionnel »)
- emotional health (« santé mentale »)
- emotional instability (« instabilité émotionnelle »)
- emotional intelligence (« intelligence émotionnelle »)
- emotional labour ou emotional labor (« travail émotionnel »)
- emotional outburst (« crise de larmes ou de colère »)
- emotional support (« soutien psychologique »)
- Empedoclean
- empiricist
- encamp
- encephalitis
- endothermic
- ensconce
- ental
- entertainment industry
- enter the scene
- entomb
- epicure
- epistolarian
- erythematosus
- Euripidean
- European pond terrapin
- European pond tortoise
- European pond turtle
- evermore
- exculpate
- eyeglass
- eyelet
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- falconry
- false Moorish idol
- fancy dress
- farmland
- farmstead
- farrow
- fastness
- favouritism
- fella
- fell trees
- female circumcision
- female genital mutilation (FGM)
- fervid
- final call
- finery
- fish bowl
- fish paste
- fish supper
- fish tank
- fish tape
- fishcake
- flatback sea turtle
- flaxen
- floodlight
- Floralia
- fluorin
- fold-up
- fondly
- footfall
- foreclose
- forfeiture
- forsooth
- freckled porcupinefish
- freighter
- freshwater turtle
- fugazza
- fugu
- full beam
- furtherance
- future tense
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- gaggle
- gainful
- Galápagos giant tortoise
- Galápagos tortoise
- gappy
- gawky
- gay science
- gazetteer
- genlock
- get rich
- ghost city
- ghost town
- give a standing ovation
- glaringly
- glint
- gloaming
- globefish
- glower
- goatherd
- goat-stag
- godhead
- goldstripe butterflyfish
- go nuts
- gopher tortoise
- gratefully
- gratin
- great-grandchild
- greek
- Greek tortoise
- green sea turtle
- green turtle
- groundwater
- group therapy
- grow rich
- gunsmith
- gynecological disease, gynecologic disease
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- hacksaw
- hairline
- half florin
- ham it up
- hammocking
- hanky-panky
- hardihood
- haughtily
- hawksbill sea turtle
- hawksbill turtle
- headman
- heady
- Heliopolis
- Heraclitus
- heretically
- Hermeticism, hermeticism
- hermetism
- Hermann’s tortoise
- hermeticist
- hermetist
- hesitancy
- hierogamy
- high beam
- high comedy
- hiss at
- hitman
- Hölderlinian
- holiday camp
- homochromia
- homochromy
- horsewoman
- houseboat
- huckster
- Hugolian
- husbandman
- hydnoid fungi
- hylomorphic
- hyperalgesia
- hyperalgesic
- hyperenthusiastic
- Hyperion
- hypersialosis
- hypervigilance
- hypnotherapy
- hysterosalpingography (HSG)
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- ice age
- ideal city
- idiotically
- idly
- illuminability
- imperil
- impolitic
- impractical
- imprescriptibility
- imprescriptible
- improvident
- incineration
- inconsequential
- indecency
- indifferently
- infantfish
- injudiciously
- inkfish
- inoperative
- inotropism
- insignificance
- insubstantial
- intercurrent
- interloper
- in the limelight
- in the spotlight
- in-yer-face theatre
- isotherm
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- laboratory-created diamond
- laboratory-grown diamond
- lachrymose
- lacunary
- ladyfish
- ladylike
- latency
- latterly
- leatherback
- leatherback sea turtle
- leatherback turtle
- legerdemain
- letter writer
- libfem
- light comedy
- lightning visit
- light touch
- lilt
- linocut
- literati
- live performance
- live show
- live streaming rape
- locomotor
- lodger
- loggerhead turtle
- logistic
- long-spine porcupinefish
- lost city
- lost soul
- low comedy
- lupus erythematosus
- lute turtle
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- madcap
- make an entrance
- makeup artist, make-up artist
- mandamus
- man-made diamond
- marine turtle
- marvelously
- masculinism
- masculinist
- masculism
- mass rape
- masterly
- mata mata, mata-mata, matamata
- matriculate
- mayfly
- maypole
- measly
- measuring spoon
- mental health
- metabolically
- Method
- Method acting
- meths
- might makes right
- milkfish
- miniseries
- misanthropist
- miscount
- misguided
- mishandle
- mistaken identity
- mistreatment
- miting
- moonmilk
- Moorish
- Moorish idol
- morphological
- motherland
- movie theater
- mpret / mbret
- mulct
- multiple trauma
- muscarine
- musical comedy
- mustelid
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- obliquely
- obtrude
- obtrusive
- oceanid
- ocean quahog
- occupier
- octogenarian
- oculist
- olden
- olfactory
- olive ridley sea turtle
- Ombre
- oncologist
- ontological
- ophthalmologist
- oral lore
- oral tradition
- orangutang
- Orphicism
- Orphism
- orthocenter / orthocentre
- orthoptics
- outflow
- outlast
- outpatient
- outpouring
- outstretched
- outwards
- overact
- overeat
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- paediatric psychiatry
- pageantry
- painted turtle
- palpebral
- pannier
- parking lamps
- parking lights
- Parmenidean
- particularize
- payback rape
- pediatric psychiatry
- pedicure
- pedlar
- pedopornographic
- pelvic
- perfumery
- persecutory delusion
- petting zoo
- phallocentrism
- phallogocentrism
- Pharisee
- philosemite
- phosphor
- physical abuse
- physical education
- physical examination
- physical violence
- pick at
- pile village
- pink turtlehead
- piscivore
- piscivorous
- plastromancy
- play a part
- play a role
- playfully
- playhouse
- pleurodire
- poisonously
- political science
- pollutant
- polypathological
- polytrauma
- pond slider
- porcupine puffer
- porcupine pufferfish
- pornification
- potsherd
- premarital
- preponderate
- prison rape
- probationer
- prodigal child
- profligacy
- prognosticate
- prominently
- property man
- property woman
- prop man
- prop master
- prop mistress
- prop woman
- prosodic
- prosodical
- prosodist
- protuberant
- psychomotor
- psychomotricity
- punishment rape
- pushiness
- put on an act
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- Racinian
- radfem
- raga
- rainbow-colored
- rainbow-coloured
- randy
- rape attempt
- rape buddy
- rape by deceit
- rape by deception
- rape charge
- rape crisis movement
- rape fantasy
- rape kit
- rape myth
- rape of a child under 13
- rape pornography
- rape schedule
- rape trauma syndrome
- rape victim
- rapid eye movement sleep
- rashness
- redd
- red-footed tortoise
- red turtlehead
- reenchantment
- refuel
- relativism
- relevancy
- REM sleep
- reproachful
- reproductive organ
- reptilian
- republicanism
- requite
- resurrection fern
- retentive
- retraumatization
- revenge rape
- ribaldry
- ridley sea turtle
- ringleader
- risograph printing
- risography
- risography print
- role specialisation
- role specialization
- romanticism
- rose turtlehead
- ruc
- ruptive coloration
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- sailfish
- sandbag
- satirize
- school skiing trip
- school ski trip
- scrimmage
- scruffy
- scurf
- sea turtle
- seethe
- serial rape
- serviceman
- sex attack
- sex trafficker
- sex trafficking
- sexual violence
- shadowy
- shaly
- shamanic rape
- shell pink
- shocking pink, shocking-pink
- short comedy play
- sideline
- signpost
- since the dawn of time
- since time immemorial
- sine curve
- sine wave
- sinusoid
- slate grey
- slaty
- sleep paralysis
- slothful
- slow-moving
- smear campaign
- smithereens
- smoke grey
- snapping turtle
- snivel
- snowy owl
- softshell turtle
- Sophoclean
- sooth
- soup spoon, soupspoon
- spongivore
- spongivorous
- spot-fin porcupinefish
- spotted porcupinefish
- spur-thighed tortoise
- stage director
- stage manager
- stage persona
- statutory rape
- sterilization
- stichomythia
- stockpile
- Stone Age
- Stratfordian
- subsistence
- sug
- swill
- Swiss binding
- symbolization
- synthetic diamond
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- tablespoonful
- take up
- talker
- Talibanism
- talking book
- tantaali
- taricaya
- Teko
- terrapene
- terrapin
- testudinid
- tetchiness
- tetrodotoxin
- theater-in-the-round
- theater of the absurd
- theatre-goer
- theatre-in-the-round
- theatre of the absurd
- theatricality
- theatrics
- the dawn of time
- the show must go on
- ticket counter
- tiff
- tish
- titanic
- Togolese
- toothsome
- torticollis
- tortoiseshell-and-white
- tortoiseshell cat
- tortoiseshell turtle
- Tortuga Island
- transsexual
- trapeze artist
- trapezist
- trapezohedron
- trauma memory
- trauma triad of death
- tread the boards
- triad
- trouvere
- trundle
- truscum
- turn turtle
- turtleback
- Turtle Bay
- turtle-esque
- Turtle-Flambeau Flowage
- turtlehead
- Turtle Head Island
- Turtle Island
- turtle-like
- turtles all the way down
- turtle shell
- turtle ship
- turtle soup
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[modifier le wikicode]Note
[modifier le wikicode]- ↑ C’est-à-dire définis seulement dans le vocabulaire d’une autre langue, mais pas dans la langue anglaise.