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Du verbe brake avec le suffixe -ing.

braking \ˈbɹeɪ.kɪŋ\

  1. (Automobile, Mécanique) Freinage.
    • According to recently published testing by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, pedestrians wearing reflective clothing at night might actually be less visible to some vehicles’ automatic emergency braking systems than if they were wearing non-reflective light-colored clothing, or even all-black outfits in some case  (Reflective Safety Clothing Might Make You Invisible To Some Automatic Emergency Braking Systems: IIHS, Thomas Hundal, The Autopian, 9 January 2025)
      Selon des des essais récement publiés par l' Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, les piétons portant des vêtements réfléchissants la nuit peuvent être en fait bien moins visibles pour les systèmes de freinage d'urgence automatique que s'ils portaient des vêtements colorés non réfléchissants, ou même noir dans certains cas.
    • In April, the agency finalized a safety rule that will require all new cars and light trucks to include automatic emergency braking by 2029, estimating it would help save at least 360 lives and 24,000 injuries annually.  (Automatic emergency braking is making progress at slow speeds: AAA, Kalena Thomhave, automotivedive, 18 Nov 2024)
      En avril, l'agence finalisa une règle de dureté qui exigera pour chaque nouvelles voitures et poids-lourds-légers d'inclure un freinage automatique d'urgence d'ici 2029, estimant que cela aidera à sauver au moins 360 vies et 24 000 blessures annuellement.
    • In April 2024, after eight years of industry discussions on how to make automated emergency braking (AEB) a standard feature on new vehicles, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) officially issued a new Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard that will require AEB and pedestrian automatic emergency braking systems to be installed in all new passenger cars and light trucks starting in September 2029. The agency said this new requirement will save at least 360 lives and prevent at least 24,000 injuries each year. And, for years, automakers have said they were on board, and promised to bring AEB to more new models.  (Feds Refuse to Hit the Brakes on Automated Emergency Braking, Sebastian Blanco, 27 Nov 27 2024)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)

Forme de verbe

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Temps Forme
Infinitif to brake
Présent simple,
3e pers. sing.
Prétérit braked
Participe passé braked
Participe présent braking
voir conjugaison anglaise

braking \ˈbɹeɪ.kɪŋ\

  1. Participe présent de brake.


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