cool down

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Voir aussi : cooldown

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Étymologie[modifier le wikicode]

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Locution verbale [modifier le wikicode]

cool down

  1. (Intransitif) Rafraîchir.
    • You can drink the coffee when it's cooled down.
  2. (Transitif) Causer une baisse de température, un rafraîchissement sur quelque chose.
    • We had to cool down the equipment with water before using it.
  3. (Intransitif) Se calmer.
    • I'd love to go to Iraq, but I'll have to wait until the violence cools down.
  4. (Transitif) Calmer quelque chose ou quelqu'un.
    • Dave was kicking and screaming, so I had to cool him down with some mellow music.

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