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make up

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Voir aussi : make-up, makeup
Composé de make et de up.

Locution verbale 1

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Temps Forme
Infinitif to make up
\ˈmeɪk ˈʌp\
Présent simple,
3e pers. sing.
makes up
\ˈmeɪks ˈʌp\
Prétérit made up
\ˈmeɪd ˈʌp\
Participe passé made up
\ˈmeɪd ˈʌp\
Participe présent making up
\ˈmeɪ.ˌkɪŋ ˈʌp\
voir conjugaison anglaise

make up \meɪk ˈʌp\

  1. (Intransitif) Se réconcilier.
    • I don’t want to fight any more. Let’s kiss and make up.
      Je ne veux plus me battre. Embrassons-nous et réconcilions-nous.
  2. Construire, établir.
    • There was on one side Germany, with its silver monometallism, having to make up its bank reserves only with silver ; and on the other England, with its bi-monometallism, at one time dependent for its reserves on the gold that might come in, at another time running over the Continent to purchase silver for transmission to India. — (Guilford Lindsey Molesworth, Silver and Gold: The Money of the World, 1891, page 70)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
  1. (Transitif) Fabriquer, inventer, fabuler.
    • He made up a lie.
      Il inventa un mensonge.
  2. (Transitif) Maquiller.
    • She made herself up.

Apparentés étymologiques

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Locution verbale 2

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make up \meɪk ˈʌp\

  1. Rattraper, se faire pardonner pour, regagner ce qu’on avait perdu.
    • She still has to make up the exam that she missed when it was given.
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • We'll have to make up our low score in the first half, if we're going to win this game.
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
  2. Rattraper, se dédommager, compenser.
    • You'll have to make up for the damage that you've caused.
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)


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