[modifier le wikicode]- De l'ancien français passangier, dérivé de passage, lui-même de passer, du latin passāre, dérivé de passus (" un pas, un rythme ").
Nom commun
[modifier le wikicode]passenger \ˈpæ.sən.dʒɜː\ (pluriel : passengers)
- Passager.
Although the passengers on the right side of the bus were outside of the impact and intrusion zone, many of them were thrown out of their seats during the collision sequence and sustained injuries because the bus’s seat belts were inaccessible and not used.
— (NTSB)
[modifier le wikicode]- \ˈpæ.sən.dʒɜː\
- États-Unis : écouter « passenger [ˈpæ.sən.dʒɝ] »