person of interest

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

Anglais[modifier le wikicode]

Étymologie[modifier le wikicode]

 Composé de person, of et interest.

Locution nominale [modifier le wikicode]

Singulier Pluriel
person of interest
\pɝ.sən ʌv ɪn.tɹɪst\
persons of interest
\pɝ.səns ʌv ɪn.tɹɪst\

person of interest \pɝ.sən ʌv ɪn.tɹɪst\

  1. (Police) Témoin ou suspect officieux.
    • The 19-year-old man from a Phoenix suburb who was detained on Friday at a convenience store near Interstate 10 is a person of interest, but Bart Graves, a spokesman for the Arizona Department of Public Safety, declined to say what had led the police to question the man. — (Associated Press, « Police Rule Out Detained Man, 19, as Prime Suspect in Phoenix Freeway Shootings », New York Times, 12 septembre 2015 → lire en ligne)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)