scare quote

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

Anglais[modifier le wikicode]

Étymologie[modifier le wikicode]

 Composé de scare et de quote.

Locution nominale [modifier le wikicode]

Singulier Pluriel
scare quote
\Prononciation ?\
scare quotes
\Prononciation ?\
Air quotes are analogous to scare quotes in print.

scare quote

  1. (Principalement au pluriel) Guillemet ironique.
    • One other important figure in postmodern thought is Richard Rorty, who might be characterized as master of the scare quote. — (“The Retreat From Inquiry and Knowledge in Special Education.”, Journal of Special Education, 1 janvier 2001)
    • He is inordinately fond of the scare quote, a sign that he is not really sure of what he’s talking about. — (P Timms, What’s Wrong with Contemporary Art?, 2004)
    • An incidental pleasure is his witty mastery of the scare quote and the square bracket. — (“Where Hairsplitting Can Become High Drama”, New York Sun, 6 septembre 2006)
    • I put the relevant pronouns in scare quote because Bundy’s interviewers succeeded in getting Bundy to talk about his crimes only by allowing him to describe them in the third person — (D Jeske, “Friendship and the grounds of reasons”,, 2008)

Vocabulaire apparenté par le sens[modifier le wikicode]

Prononciation[modifier le wikicode]

Voir aussi[modifier le wikicode]

  • scare quote sur l’encyclopédie Wikipédia (en anglais) 

Références[modifier le wikicode]