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Wiktionnaire:Liste des mots anglais que tous les Wiktionnaires devraient avoir

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

Liste des mots anglais que le Wiktionnaire devrait avoir.

Directement copié du Wiktionnaire anglais.

Voir aussi: Wiktionnaire:Liste des mots français que tous les Wiktionnaires devraient avoir

human[modifier le wikicode]

  1. adult
  2. man
  3. woman
  4. child
  5. boy
  6. girl

objects[modifier le wikicode]

  1. thing
  2. cube
  3. ball

shapes[modifier le wikicode]

  1. square
  2. circle
  3. triangle
  1. mind
  2. body
  3. soul
  4. will
  5. reality
  6. truth
  7. consciousness
  8. metaphysics
  9. ethics
  10. epistemology
  11. aesthetics
  12. life
  13. freedom
  1. job
  2. biography
  3. musician
  4. explorer
  5. scientist
  6. inventor
  7. writer
  8. thinker
  9. politician
  10. statesman
  11. carpenter
  12. driver
  13. mathematician
  1. book
  2. biography
  3. bibliography

food[modifier le wikicode]

  1. bread
  2. coffee
  3. maize
  4. cotton
  5. soya bean
  6. sorghum
  7. wheat
  8. barley
  9. oats
  10. fruit
  11. vegetable
  12. tobacco
  13. cheese
  14. alcohol
  15. tea
  16. potato

drinks[modifier le wikicode]

  1. water
  2. beer
  3. wine
  4. milk

at least three sentences on each of the continents

  1. Africa
  2. Antarctica
  3. Asia
  4. Oceania
  5. Europe
  6. North America
  7. South America

nature[modifier le wikicode]

  1. river
  2. ocean
  3. sea
  4. volcano
  5. canyon
  6. reef
  7. falls
  8. lake

other[modifier le wikicode]

  1. city
  1. dinosaur
  2. prehistory
  3. archaeology
  4. age
  5. Renaissance
  6. discovery
  7. slavery
  8. revolution

as well as a thorough history of all countries where the language of the particular Wikipedia is spoken as a native language.

  1. anarchy
  2. communism
  3. fascism
  4. democracy
  5. monarchy
  6. dictatorship
  7. nationalism
  8. globalisation
  9. socialism
  10. liberalism
  11. capitalism
  12. imperialism
  13. racism
  14. feminism
  15. diplomacy
  1. human rights
  2. sexism
  3. racism
  4. punishment
  5. abortion
  6. birth control
  7. war
  8. peace
  1. Islam
  2. Judaism
  3. Christianity
  4. Buddhism
  5. Hinduism
  6. Sikhism
  1. god
  2. spirit
  3. atheism
  4. agnosticism
  5. humanism
  1. theatre
  2. television
  3. radio
  4. film
  5. gambling
  6. literature
  7. dance
  8. art
  9. music
    1. pop
    2. rock
    3. traditional
    4. classical
    5. jazz
  10. comics
  11. games
    1. chess
    2. go
    3. checkers / draughts
    4. backgammon
    5. cards
    6. dice

at least a five-sentence introduction to the major fields:

physics[modifier le wikicode]

basic concepts:

  1. heat
  2. electricity
  3. magnetism
  4. gravity
  5. mass
  6. force
  7. time
  8. length
  9. area
  10. velocity
  11. acceleration
  12. atom
  13. electron
  14. proton
  15. neutron
  16. photon
  17. quantum

chemistry[modifier le wikicode]

  1. chemical element
    1. periodic table
    2. an article on every one of the chemical elements, with the properties table data
  2. chemical reaction
  3. molecule
  4. acid
  5. alkali
  6. pH
  7. salt
  8. compound
  9. organic chemistry

biology[modifier le wikicode]

  1. bacterium
  2. archaea
  3. protist
  4. fungus
  5. plant
    1. tree
    2. flower
    3. grass
  6. animal
    1. bird
    2. fish
    3. horse
    4. insect
      1. fly
      2. mosquito
      3. maggot
      4. bee
    5. mammal
    6. reptile
    7. snake
    8. elephant
    9. camel
    10. cattle
    11. sheep
    12. dog
    13. cat
    14. lion
    15. eagle
    16. bear
    17. dragon
    18. monster
  7. geology
  8. ecology

astronomy[modifier le wikicode]

  1. solar system
    1. Sun
    2. Earth
      1. Moon
    3. Mercury
    4. Venus
    5. Mars
    6. Jupiter
    7. Saturn
    8. Uranus
    9. Neptune
    10. Pluto
  2. galaxy
  3. Milky Way
  4. Big Bang

weather[modifier le wikicode]

  1. rain
  2. cloud
  3. snow
  4. hail
  5. hurricane
  1. wood
  2. cloth
  3. plastic
  4. paper
  5. glass
  6. metal
  7. stone
  8. brick

minerals[modifier le wikicode]

  1. salt
  2. diamond
  3. chalk
  4. granite
  5. flint
  6. sandstone
  7. quartz
  8. rock

elemental metals in common use[modifier le wikicode]

  1. gold
  2. silver
  3. iron
  4. copper
  5. zinc
  6. tin
  7. aluminium

alloys in common use[modifier le wikicode]

  1. bronze
  2. brass
  3. steel

oil[modifier le wikicode]

  1. benzene
  2. kerosene
  1. agriculture
  2. human use of fire
  3. metallurgy
  4. writing
  5. alphabet
  6. ship
  7. sail
  8. inclined plane
  9. wheel
  10. pulley
  11. lever
  12. screw
  13. wedge
  14. weapon
    1. gun
    2. axe
    3. sword
    4. longbow
  15. explosive
  16. gunpowder
  17. bicycle
  18. steam engine
  19. train
  20. automobile
  21. electricity
  22. electronics
  23. electric motor
  24. radio
  25. television
  26. telephone
  27. aircraft
  28. computer
  29. laser
  30. internet
  1. English
  2. Mandarin
  3. Cantonese
  4. Arabic
  5. German
  6. Hindi
  7. Urdu
  8. Russian
  9. Spanish
  10. French
  11. Esperanto
  12. Sanskrit
  13. Latin
  14. Greek
  15. Japanese
  16. Korean
  17. Thai
  18. Vietnamese
  19. Portuguese
  20. Italian
  21. Dutch
  1. pyramids
  2. arch
  3. dome
  4. bridge
  5. nail
  6. cube
  1. number
    1. integer
  2. plus
  3. minus
  4. multiply
  5. divide
  6. geometry
  7. algebra
    1. equation
    2. variable
    3. proof
  8. calculus
  9. trigonometry
  10. calendar
  11. set theory
  12. logic
  1. heart
  2. lungs
  3. vagina
  4. penis
  5. kidneys
  6. stomach
  7. liver
  8. spleen
  9. intestines
  10. skeleton
  11. breast
  12. skin
  13. head
    1. eye
    2. mouth
    3. ear
    4. brain
  14. arm
    1. elbow
    2. wrist
    3. hand
      1. finger
      2. thumb
  15. leg
    1. knee
    2. ankle
    3. foot
      1. toe

reproduction[modifier le wikicode]

  1. pregnancy
    1. fetus
    2. placenta

illness[modifier le wikicode]

  1. blindness
  2. deafness
  3. disease
  4. illness
  5. cancer
  6. malnutrition
  7. starvation
  8. obesity
  9. cholera
  10. tuberculosis
  11. AIDS
  12. smallpox
  13. malaria
  14. dysentery
  15. leprosy
  16. virus

medical treatment[modifier le wikicode]

  1. medication
  2. vaccination
  3. surgery
  1. soccer
  2. cricket
  3. baseball
  4. American football
  5. athletics
  6. swimming
  1. earthquake
  2. volcano
  3. hurricane
  4. flood
  5. avalanche
  6. meltdown
  7. tornado
  8. tsunami
  1. black
  2. white
  3. blue
  4. red
  5. green
  6. yellow
  7. orange
  8. brown
  9. grey
  10. light
  11. dark
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday

At least upto 20.

  1. meter
  2. kilometer
  3. litre
  4. gram
  5. kilogram
  6. second
  7. degree
  1. to rain

thinking[modifier le wikicode]

  1. to forget
  2. to dream
  3. to remember
  4. to wish

behaviour[modifier le wikicode]

  1. to be
  2. to begin
  3. to give birth
  4. to be born
  5. to come
  6. to count
  7. to dance
  8. to die
  9. to drink
  10. to eat
  11. to get down
  12. to get in
  13. to get out
  14. to get up
  15. to give
  16. to go
  17. to go away
  18. to hate
  19. to have
  20. to leave
  21. to live
  22. to love
  23. to make
  24. to marry
  25. to run
  26. to sing
  27. to sit
  28. to sleep
  29. to start
  30. to stay
  31. to smoke

communication[modifier le wikicode]

  1. to write
  2. to read
  3. to tell
  4. to listen
  5. to lie
  1. good
  2. bad
  3. small
  4. big
  5. long
  6. short
  7. large
  8. narrow
  9. deep
  10. shallow
  11. fast
  12. slow
  13. high
  14. low
  15. expensive
  16. cheap
  17. young
  18. aged
  19. new
  20. old
  21. used
  22. true
  23. false

feelings and emotions[modifier le wikicode]

  1. happy
  2. sad
  3. angry
  4. afraid
  5. tired
  6. hungry
  7. thirsty
  1. many, a lot
  2. few
  3. fast
  4. slowly
  5. early
  6. late
  7. far
  8. near