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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

Anglais[modifier le wikicode]

Forme de verbe [modifier le wikicode]

baffling \Prononciation ?\

  1. Participe présent du verbe baffle.
    • If you don't already have a programming background, the language in the next few sections may be a bit baffling — (Mark Lutz, Learning Python, O'Reilly, 2013, page 16)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • Ministers must restart trade negotiations with Brussels immediately to sort out the "baffling" array of post-Brexit rulesand regulations that now threaten uch of the UK'sexport trade to the EU" — (The Guardian, baffling brexit rules threaten export chaos gove is warned, 10 January 2021)