
Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

These contributions were made by ten different contributors, adding up to 77 successive edits on the French Thesaurus entry. A satisfying degree of participation on the French Wiktionary. On the other hand, other Wiktionaries did not participate much. Of note, however, is that the English Wikisaurus entry for chat was created — the first Wikisaurus entry for French, and one of the first for a language other than English. It is possible that summer vacation slowed contributions, but low participation is likely due to the fact that editors on other Wiktionaries tend not to organize group projects. It is also to be noted that it was difficult to contact more than five hundred different linguistic communities to notify them of this new collective project. Hopefully, future LexiSessions will include more and more editors as time goes on, as well as a growing interest in readers outside of the project. For next month, the theme is cartography, with a focus on the names of different types of urban roadways!