
Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

This dictionary is first intended for the community in Gabon that speaks this language, and then more generally for people who might be interested in this language. It has taken years of effort, both for the collection of words and the organization of the whole, and yet it is still not very accessible, as stated in the article dedicated to it in 2010 (page 396). First, because it is relatively expensive but also because there is no book distribution network to ensure that it can reach its audience. There is no digital version of the book, but this would not necessarily be the community's wish, and may not make it more accessible. As stated in the documentary, this work has at least allowed the world to learn of the existence of this people and their rich culture. Within a few decades, the content of this dictionary will pass into the public domain and it could be integrated into websites that would then be responsible for archiving and preserving its content. Thus, although there may one day be no one left to speak this language, it could be relearned thanks to this dictionary and the people who will pass it on to future generations. Wiktionary may then have a role to play in this story, and a know-how to contribute to the pooling of the preserved words. Elsewhere, Wiktionary could be used by speakers of minor languages before it is too late, but this requires a spread and greater ease of use that still needs to be developed. —A review by Noé.