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L'éthymologie rapportée par Wikipedia me paraît peu adaptée "petit cheval". Par contre, j'ai lu ceci : "Miohippus Marsh, 1874 and Pliohippus Marsh, 1874 (fossil horses) These names refer to the Miocene and Pliocene epochs, respectively. However, most Miohippus are found in the Oligocene, and all Pliohippus are from the Miocene. Marsh believed that his Miohippus fossils were from the Miocene, but later work showed him mistaken. Since Pliohippus was first described, the genus was split in two, with the later Pliocene horses reclassified as Dinohippus, and the date of the Pliocene epoch itself has shrunk. Eohippus is still from the Eocene, but it is not the scientific name because Hyracotherium takes prescedence." ( 2 novembre 2010 à 19:30 (UTC)Répondre