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Dernier commentaire : il y a 17 ans par Lmaltier dans le sujet Souhait

Souhait[modifier le wikicode]

I got confused when I saw that "congratulation" could be translated to "souhait". Talked to Rama. He could not understand it either - even as a native French speaker. Though it is some years ago I have spoken or written anything in French I could not understand why there was a a reference here to "souhait", but no reference to "congratulation" on souhait.

So could anybody here explain what kind of connection there is - if there is any connection..? --|EPO| 22 juin 2007 à 20:14 (UTC)

C'est modifié. Lmaltier 22 juin 2007 à 20:59 (UTC)Répondre