Utilisateur:Psychoslave/Vocabulaire utile pour l’informatique/probe

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
domaine termes usuels synonymes possibles commentaire
conteneur generic bag, box, can, jar, jug, keg, po, ped, pod, pot, pyx, rip, set, sox, ton, tun, tin
knowledge, information pan
for a fluid, for a content that can also appear in a stream, flux can, jar, jug, keg, mug, sac, sap, tas, ton, tub, tun
a shared space, common venue tye
for dirty content bin, po, tip
a place to filter or clean tye
jail mew, pad, ped
cache pew
reserve, stockpile mow
other specific location or place pad, pen, pew, pit, rax, spa
contenu cup, lee, tas
intervalles a delay, an interval created by something not keeping up, a latency. gap, lag
moment, instant jot
a largely perceptible duration tea
segmentation link tie
identifier bar, bib, box, ren, pen, pin, pit, tab, tag, tug, qua, rig, gi, pin, rug, wig Pour bib, c’est bien la notion de support d'identifiant numérique qui est indiquée. Box lui y adjoint une notion d’anonymat. Pour ren, pin, pit, tab, tag, tug c’est directement la notion d’identité, de catégorisation ou de marqueur permettant spécifiquement d’identifier qui est prise comme critère de proposition. Les autres termes eux se rattachent à une notion de costume, ou déguisement qui sont pour leur part plutôt des marqueurs de rôle que d’identité, la notion d’identité pouvant néanmoins se définir comme le rôle singulier qu’un unique individu endosse.
row, column, and more depending on the number of dimension of a vector row, rod, ror, lat
An amount by which something or someone is covered, especially regarding access to some service; coverage, cover, hedge, blanket, covering top
fundamenta/non-breakable element, atom, particle axiom, lick, mite, mote, whit, speck ace, bit, rap
none, zero nil, nee
smallest value of a type,

damn, lick, whit

bit, jot, rag, rap
value under a negligible threshold, damn, whit, iota, lick, damn jot
very small amount, quantity or value, sometime barely detectable, generaly of unspecified extension, but neither negligible nor the smallest of its type; blob, dash, drop, hint, mite, speck, spot aas, ace, bit, dab, dob, dot, gry, jot, low, nip, peg, rag, ray, tad, tot
the minimal resource amount required to launch something, starting threshold nut
half the full amount of something lag
a large unspecified amount lot, ton, tun
the full amount of a container, its capacity jug, sap
element ace, ort, pan, pat, pea, ped, pig, pin, pip, poi
element of particular importance key, nob, pet, taw
left over, remaining, memainder, rest, reste jag, odd, lee, ort, rem, sod
morsel bit, tit
part which extends over, withdrawal, fold, retreat lap
quantity of elements in a set taken as a single cardinal number sum, nap
successively taking portions of equal dimension, once at a time ana, paw, pop, sip, sup
encompasing a large quantity of something sny
analyse grammaticale proposition saw
value nub
look ahead, hint tip
rang first top dernier élément posé sur une pile, donc premier élément posé au sommet de la pile
last aft, lag, tip, top
position not included in any concerned position out, off
included in some concerned position in
at the start, at the begining ab
element at the bottom of something, first element of a stack pit
at the opposite side of a point of reference compared to some axis off
on the left odd
direction direction, streamwise, main stream, flux, courant, drift, heading, motion, movement, path, tendency, trend nap, set
switch direction ply
undefinitely ahead from a given starting point ray
toward a definite aim aim, jab, to, til
away off
toward aim, go, on, to, run
forward, fore, onward at, go, gee, on, hoy, run
left-to-right, streamwise aft, row, wax L’appellation left-to-right ne fait sens que si le flot de données correspond à un texte dont la lecture humaine se fait de gauche à droite.
right-to-left, counterstreamwise ebb, haw
leftward: to or from the left


rightward: : to or from the right

back, previous aft, old, row
next run
move left haw
move right gee
ascendant, upward, rise, climb up, sig, rib, run, lip, sty, aid, pes, run
descendant, downward, fall leg, lop, nod, ebb, dip, tip, run, ab
move toward the greater values of the scaled fourth dimension ana « vers le haut » pour une quatrième dimension
to the inside, inward in, run
to the outside leg, out, rib
either to the inside or the outside lug
cast fan
halt, stop jib
insertion top placer au sommet d'une pile au sens recouvrir, courronner
push, concatenate, abutt nub, tup joindre en fin de séquence en la prolongeant de l’élément ajouté
inject tun insérer quelque part dans une collection non ordonnée
insert insérer à une position donnée dans une séquence ordonnée
récupération pop up top, pop récupérer et supprimer la valeur en haut d'une pile
pull tow
provision return
yield tut
prognostic of result, heuristic bet
trie sort
filter, exclude, separate, sift, analyze, winnow ban, jig, try
filter and transform at the same time; perform a combined map/reduce. sop
rejected part of a filter pug
greatest element of a set lid, top
reduce, trim ash, axe, bob, pie, set, sop, tie
quantité plus petite valeur possible d'un type
contextually small value, trifle, iota, whit jot, pin, rap, toy
plus grande valeur possible d'un type tip
indefinite tug
graphe vertex, node tee, tip (summit), top sommet
tie, arete, ridge, bridge, bone hip, rib, tip (knot) connexion entre deux sommets, arrête
branch leg, peg, pin
leaf peg
decorated, having value dow
structure de données string tew
pointer abb, awl, bo, neb, nib, tip, pin, rod
provide a pointer tab
reference nod
union tye
structure, struct ama, lea, pen, poy, strut
type ilk
class kin, sib
value, state, core, kernel nub
hash lea
doubly linked circular list lee
Encircling of Groups in a K-Map[1] lip
skeleton pen
pointer awl
structure de contrôle control flow, flow of control dam
[ouverture de block] { (C-langs), do (Ruby), :\n\s\+(Python) tho (then; thereupon)
[fermeture de block] } (C-langs), end (Ruby) dit, hop, tip, top
[routeur] case (C-langs), when (Ruby) tho (when)
pipe, transition, passage ile
event cue
opérateurs && (conjonction) and, eft
|| (inclusive disjonction) or, nay
+ (addition) add
évaluations evaluate dub, run, put, peg, set, toy, try
check, control vet
environment, context, situation lie lie: (golf) The terrain and conditions surrounding the ball before it is struck.
settle, decide, determine try
assess put
lazy shy
greedy hog
something or someone who is greedy pie
consume greedily pad, pig
non-greedy, nippy sly
translate do, dub
translation dub
interpret red, run, say Parmi les synonymes du verbe interpret se trouve unravel, démêler. En effet, interpréter, c’est dans une large part résoudre les ambiguïté, d’où « démêler les nœuds de l’affaire ». De là peut donc se suggérer les verbes
  • red: to free from entanglement
  • run: To become separated; (of something woven, knitted, etc.) to come apart. To break away from a chain by spliting the string, the stitches, the mesh or any entangling structure.
compile mat Dans le même ordre idée, si interpréter c’est démeller, compiler c’est compacter et entremêler une multidute de codes sources dans un gros binaire.

D’où la suggestion de mat: To pack or interweave into a thick mass.

comparaisons equal, == tie
Equal value; equality of nominal and actual value; Equality of condition or circumstances. par
about, approximately ish
strictly lower than, <
lower than or equal, , <=
strictly gretear than, > mo
greater than or equal, , >= up
iteration element access cup
element traversal, step peg
idle, pass bum, lag, sag, toy
continue, next, skip go, rax, run, sny, tag, tee
interruption, break, pause gap
feed, furnish, provide hay
loop multiple time over a cyclic structure, pass over each item of a cycle more than once lap
encapsulation encapsulate, enclose hap
edge lip
closure can, jug, jar, yair
altération typologique attribute dow, jut
remove attribute, castrate, geld, alter, neuter, doff, molt, moult, peel lib
cast, mold, specialize a generic, transtype, apply pattern, template pat
altération de valeur toggle tip
pack, cram jog
manipulations mémoire unload tip
manipulation de fichier touch tip
description declare vow
memory allocation
memory release, free
synthèse d'un rendu print, write tip
acquisition d'informations length, size tod Obtenir le poids d'un objet, en particulier en terme de quantité d’octets
name ren
réalisation product, code base, work tut
service interogate, question, query, request ask, ax
pratiques extract, transform, load (ETL) "pat, vat, pad"; "win, sop, sag"
gestion de version des codes source feature fit
hotfix dun
fix fix
technical debt management tip
merge request tug-beg
limites end of file (EOF), end of stream (EOS), etc lid
upper bound cap
CRUD create, engender, generate, produce, spawn add, bid, bog, gig, mix, new, pig, pup, rez, set, son Ici gig est au sens To engender (engendrer).
consult, draw, extract, read arm, log, paw, sap, tap, tee, try, win Ici tap est au sens To exploit (exploiter, tirer profit de quelque chose).
update bow, fit, hip, set, vet Ici fit est au sens To adjust (ajuster).

Ici set est au sens To put in a specified condition or state; to cause to be.

delete, erase, remove, eliminate, suppress, kill, shed, get rid of, drop, scrap, cull bar, bin, can, dry, ex, gut, hoe, leg, lib, nip, nix, pit, pod, pop, pot, raw, sap, top, wax, wet, zap Ici nix est au sens To destroy or eradicate (détruire, éradiquer).