Wall Streeters

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

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Singulier Pluriel
Wall Streeter
\ˈwɔl ˌstɹitɚ\
ou \ˈwɑl ˌstɹitɚ\
Wall Streeters
\ˈwɔl ˌstɹitɚz\
ou \ˈwɑl ˌstɹitɚz\

Wall Streeters

  1. Pluriel de Wall Streeter.
    • A New Yorker who uses stigmatized NYCE variants can seem cooler, more down-to-earth, more one of us, and/or tougher than one who does not. In this way, (r-0)s can give elite Wall Streeters an aura of toughness, street smarts, and regular guy status that can work for them businesswise. — (Michael Newman, New York City English, De Gruyter Mouton, 2014, page 10)