Discussion:paradis fiscal

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These references make no sense:

Ian Mackenzie, English for Business Studies: Teacher’s Book, 2002, ISBN 9780521752862 :
In several languages, the equivalent term for tax haven uses a translation of the word paradise, a synonym for heaven (e.g. Steuerparadies, paradis fiscal, paradiso fiscale). But haven means harbour (Hafen in German, havre in French).
Bulletin for International Taxation, vol. 61, 2007 :
The usual term for tax havens in the Romance languages is “fiscal paradise” (paraíso fiscal, paradis fiscal or paradiso fiscale). Possibly, the origin of this term reflects a confusion between the English words “haven” (refuge) and “heaven”.

How can these references be ok if paradis fiscal was used 50 years prior to tax haven????

Paradis fiscal, 1881 vs tax haven, 1931

-- 12 février 2019 à 14:25 (UTC)[répondre]