double act

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Singulier Pluriel
double act
\Prononciation ?\
double acts
\Prononciation ?\

double act

  1. Duo comique.
    • It appears clear from Stan’s Joe Rock films, where he is very much in control of his material, that he had no intention of becoming part of a double act. — (Simon Louvish, Stan and Ollie, the Roots of Comedy: The Double Life of Laurel and Hardy, 2002, page 173)
    • Messrs Barker and Corbett were now seen as a pair. They were never a double act, never totally reliant on one another in the traditional sense of a double act, the kind that television loved so much. — (Bob McCabe, The Authorised Biography of Ronnie Barker, 2005, page 110)
    • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are a double act engaged to spy on Hamlet, with the result that he has "at each ear a hearer." — (Jonathan Bate & Eric Rasmussen (eds.), Hamlet, "Introduction", 2008, page vii (Modern Library Edition))

Variantes orthographiques[modifier le wikicode]

Voir aussi[modifier le wikicode]

  • double act sur l’encyclopédie Wikipédia (en anglais) 

Références[modifier le wikicode]