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Du latin ancillāris, issu de ancilla (« servante »), diminutif de ancula, féminin de anculus (« serviteur »).
Nature Forme
Positif ancillary
Comparatif more ancillary
Superlatif most ancillary


  1. Auxiliaire.
    • […] how easily he took all things along with him,—the persons, the opinions, and the day, and nature became ancillary to a man. — (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature, 1836, Chapter 3)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • [E]very organ of the body, whatever function it may perform, must also perform the other four functions in an ancillary manner. — (John Wesley Powell, Truth and Error, 1898, Chapter 7)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)


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