Catégorie:Locutions verbales en anglais
Cette catégorie comprend 2 sous-catégories, dont les 2 ci-dessous.
- Verbes à particule en anglais – 444 P
Pages dans la catégorie « Locutions verbales en anglais »
Cette catégorie comprend 1 759 pages, dont les 200 ci-dessous.
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- abandon ship
- abase oneself
- abide by
- absent oneself
- abstain from
- accommodate oneself
- account for
- accustom oneself
- ache for
- act for
- act on
- act out
- act upon
- adam and eve
- Adam and Eve
- adapt oneself
- add fuel to fire
- add fuel to the fire
- add grist to somebody’s mill
- add up
- adventure out
- aim at
- aim for
- air gunner
- air out
- allow for
- answer the final summons
- ante up
- apply for
- apply to
- arrive at
- ask after
- ask for
- ask forgiveness
- ask out
- ask round
- aspire to
- attend to
- avenge oneself
- back down
- back off
- back up
- backseat gaming
- bail out
- bare knuckle
- bare knuckles
- base upon
- bat away
- bat for both sides
- bat for both teams
- bat for the other team
- be a man
- be able to
- be about
- be acquainted with
- be after
- be all thumbs
- be at a dead loss
- be at someone’s beck and call
- be bone idle
- be bored shitless
- be born
- be born yesterday
- be burnt to the socket
- be called
- be cruel to be kind
- be fond of
- be going to
- be grateful
- be in a fix
- be in a jam
- be in a mess
- be in deep water
- be in for
- be in full swing
- be in the doldrums
- be kept in
- be like
- be mother
- be my guest
- be no picnic
- be on the ball
- be on the same track
- be on the same wavelength
- be taken ill
- be taken sick
- be the butt of the joke
- be tired of
- be unable to
- be up to
- be willing to
- be worth
- bear fruit
- bear upon
- bear with
- bear witness
- beat a dead horse
- beat about the bush
- beat around the bush
- beat one to it
- beat up against the wind
- beef up
- bell the cat
- belong to
- bend over
- bend over backwards
- big up
- bite off more than one can chew
- bite the bullet
- bite the dust
- black out
- black up
- blast off
- bleed out
- blow a fuse
- blow away
- blow hot and cold
- blow off
- blow out
- blow up
- blue pill
- blurt out
- board up
- bog down
- bolt upright
- booby trap
- borrow money on
- break a leg
- break a sweat
- break away
- break down
- break down upon
- break even
- break free
- break in
- break into
- break loose
- break off
- break out
- break stride
- break the law
- break the silence
- break up
- breast feed
- breathe in
- breathe out
- bring about
- bring along
- bring away
- bring back
- bring down
- bring home the bacon
- bring it
- bring off
- bring one’s A game
- bring round
- bring to
- bring to light
- bring to mind
- bring up
- bro up
- brush by
- brush off
- brush up
- brush up on
- buck the trend
- bucket down
- buckle up
- budge an inch
- build castles in the air
- build up
- bump nasties
- bump off
- bump uglies
- bundle up
- burn a hole in one’s pocket
- burn down
- burn one’s bridges
- burn one’s candle at both ends
- burn out
- burn the candle at both ends
- burst in
- bury the hatchet
- bust a cap
- bust one’s ass
- bust one’s butt
- bust up
- butt in
- button up
- buy it
- buy out
- buy the farm
- buzz off